*Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers, spoilers*
*I have no rights to any of the pictures. I found them on google images.*
Needless to say, this will have spoilers … a lot of them. So if you haven’t seen Rogue One, don’t read this post. I will have my spoiler free review up sometime soon, followed by my spoiler filled reaction. But I wanted to get this post together while I could remember most of the quotes. Many are probably just paraphrases, but I should be close on a bunch.
Jyn Erso: May the Force be with us.
Jyn Erso: When we reach the ground, we’ll take the next chance and the next and on and on until we win … or the chances are spent.
Chirrut Imwe: I am one with the Force. The Force is with me.
Bail Organa: I would trust her with my life.
Baze Malbus: Good luck, little sister.
Cassian: Welcome home.
Turning Points
Lyra Erso: Saw, it’s happened. He’s come for us!
Galen: Jyn, whatever I do, I do it to protect you. Say you understand.
Young Jyn: I understand.
Lyra: You’re not taking him!
Krennic: Of course not. I’m taking you all. You, you husband, your child. You’ll all live in comfort.
Lyra: As hostages.
Krennic: As heroes of the Empire.
Krennic: They have a child. Find it!
K2SO: Area clear of hostiles.
*Baze Malbus points gun at K2SO.*
K2SO: *hands fly up* One hostile!
Jyn: *jumps in front of K2SO.* He’s with us!
Rebel: What’s your call sign, pilot?
Jyn (whispers): Say something!
Bohdi Rook: It’s… um … Rogue. Rogue one.
Jyn: Here, you’re going to need this. (Hands the droid a blaster)
K2SO: Jyn Erso, your behavior is continually … unexpected. (paraphrase)

Funny (pretty much any time K2SO spoke)
K2SO: (after knocking Jyn flat) Congratulations! You are being rescued. Please do not resist.
Orson Krennic: Oh look. Here’s Lyra back from the dead. It’s a miracle!
K2SO: I see the council is sending you to Jedha with us.
Jyn: Apparently.
K2SO: That is a bad idea. I think so, and so does Cassian.
K2SO: Why does she get a blaster and I don’t?
Cassian: Where did you get it? (the blaster)
Jyn: I found it.
K2SO: I find that answer vague and unconvincing.
Jyn: Maybe we should leave Target Practice behind.
(a little later in the conversation)
K2SO: I didn’t know you’d be so concerned with my well-being.
Jyn: I’m not. I just don’t want them to miss and hit me.
K2SO: *mutters* Doesn’t sound like such a bad idea to me.
K2SO: You’re letting her keep it? Do you want to know the probability of her using it (a blaster) against you? It’s high. It’s very high.
*Jyn shoots a droid that looks identical to K2SO.*
K2SO: Did you know that wasn’t me?
Jyn: ’Course.
Cassian: I thought I told you to stay on the ship.
K2SO: You did, but I thought it was boring and you’re in trouble.
K2SO: There are an awful lot of explosions around here for two people blending in.
Darth Vader: Be careful not to choke on you aspirations, Director.
K2SO: I’ve got a bad feeling about—
Stormtrooper: Where are you taking these prisoners?
K2SO: These are prisoners? I am taking these prisoners to prison … to imprison them.