General promo pic for the movie. Nope, I don’t own it.

3.5/5 Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies –  you guessed it, spoilers are possible.


Neither masterful, nor terrible. This is a quirky, shallow, comic, horror movie. The original Pride and Prejudice isn’t my favorite book, but it was probably one of the best books they made me read in high school.

Additional Comments:

  • Getting ready for ball intriguing; nice weapons.
  • Featherstone’s demise … ha. That’s pretty much going to be a thing.
  • The fights always went to slow motion… kind of a cheap trick.
  • Darcy babbles about Lizzy after the fight. Jane takes down a zombie on the way to tea with the Bingleys.
  • Lizzy catches the flies that would tell if her sister was bitten or not. Ha.

Other Observations:

– Wickham is still a jerk.

– Turning down Collins was still epic.

– Wickham’s zombie friendly philosophy is odd.

– Lady Catherine as a great zombie hunter. Also, same actress as Cersi Lannister… that’s awesome.

– Darcy’s confession of love is beautifully awkward. I don’t remember it being quite so awkward in the original tale. Their conversation is more interesting as a fist fight though.

– The woven tale of Wickham is nicely done.

– Rekindled love over a zombie graveyard. Cliche but fitting.


  • Logistically, the sound goes crazy high whenever there’s any kind of special effects or fighting. While I’m sure that’s awesome in a movie theater, it’s really jarring at home. One needed to keep the volume pretty high to understand the dialogue.
  • It’d probably be pretty slow and boring without the random acts of violence that crop up against zombies here.


Worth watching, but the audiobook is way better.

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