One of those official ad thingies.

*spoiler speak at the end, after the ads*


Theodore (Teddy) Walker is a great salesman, but an accident forces him to seek a career change. Unfortunately, that career change comes with the requirement of a high school diploma or the equivalent, a GED.

Genre: Comedy

Additional Comments:

– Congratulations, movie, I’ve been forced to give a rating I’ve never given before for a show. It was good, but not that good. It had hit or miss humor and a smattering of cool messages mired in misfired comedy efforts. (see spoiler speak for my example of this as well as my favorite moments.)
– It’s a modern movie in that there’s an ultimate message of celebrating learning differences.
– The cast of Night School people is pretty well-rounded. There’s the kid there to avoid juvenile detention, a lyft driver/ former waiter, an overworked mom, a father of a teenage son, a paranoid guy, and a prisoner.
– The principal’s an overbearing sterotype, but there’s decent character development here.


Worth watching at least once. It’s not my typical movie fare, but I’m glad I got to see it.


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(If you click through and buy something, there’s the chance I’ll earn like $0.04 … not kidding, that’s basically it.)

Amazon Prime

Don’t have something in the truly comedic vein, but here are some short stories and lighthearted fantasy: Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts.

Being the Chosen Redeemer could kill Vic. She’s got a destiny she doesn’t understand, two friends from feuding races, and zombies out to get her. (Redeemer Chronicles 1: Awakening)

****Spoiler Speak****

– Hands down, favorite line: “That’s not a chemical. It’s chemical warfare!” I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.
– I enjoyed the fact that Teddy didn’t pass the first or second or even third go at the GED. Not really sure how many times you can take that test. But he persisted and eventually passed. I also liked that he had learning disabilities but people wouldn’t let him quit.
– Example of cool message strangled by misfired comedy: The very end where Teddy’s giving the graduation speech. He has some excellent stuff to say then keeps blithering on about the stuff his father said. The father’s expression is kind of funny, but I think the moment would have been much more powerful without that.
– Moral of the story: – Teddy’s a great character because he’s not perfect. He wants to be someone he’s not, so he lies, but the lies only get him into trouble. Hard work helps him rise above his learning disabilities.

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