Narrated by Falon Echo


A dark little backstory for one of the characters. Ramora’s faced with a difficult choice. Her parents have arranged for her to marry a merchant who’s much older and basically wants a servant. On the other hand, a shady little fairy offers her a way out for a price.

Additional Comments:

  • I don’t know enough about the P.A.W.S. series to get the full impact of this story. Pretty sure I’ve only read one of the books.
  • That said, I like the concept of backstories that flesh out the origins of each character.
  • Without spoiling much, one does come to sympathize with the title character. She didn’t seem to have many good options.


If you’re looking for more P.A.W.S., this is a good addition to the collection.



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Amazon Prime

The Collins Case – 2 FBI agents track down a kidnapped family. Kid friendly.

If fantasy’s more your thing, go Redeemer Chronicles. The first, Awakening, is available as an audiobook.

Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – a kid deals with her parents’ divorce, bullies, and the wonder of discovery.

Try The Dark Side of Science – Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live.


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