movie promo pic; found it on google

Starring Naomi Harris, Tyrese Gibson, and Frank Grillo

*will try to keep it spoiler free

After more than a decade away, an army vet returns to her home city of New Orleans to become a cop. The rookie cop hardly recognizes the place. Corruption runs rampant. She accidentally captures a crooked cop murder some drug dealers on a body cam. 90% of the movie consists of her either just trying to stay alive or planning how to get the footage uploaded into the system. Complicating matters is the fact that the crooked cop lies to the drug dealer’s boss, getting him to put a hit on her.

Additional Comments:

– Story 4/5: Simplistic but compelling. They had to do some story working to make sure our heroine stayed in danger for the duration, but it worked well enough.
Characters 4.5/5: Much of the movie hinges on the dynamics of a young black cop just trying to do her job while a more senior cop insists on convincing her she’s blue now (not back). Don’t remember much about the other characters. Alicia West (Naomi Harris) comes across as a young woman just trying to do the right thing.
– Soundtrack 4/5: The beginning rap song fits very well, setting the tone for the rest of the movie. Beyond that, the music consists of “chase scene” type, drum heavy scores. It’s all right but not exactly one you’d want to rush out to buy.
Content Warnings: Some strong language. Violence, including a character getting beaten.- You could probably take this as light or deep as you want in terms of messages to be found here. I like keeping it simple: good vs evil.- It passes my “entertain me while I’m here” test. I missed a few crucial minutes by having to use the restroom, but I’m not sure it’s worth seeing twice on a big screen.


If you’re looking for a decent thriller and willing to overlook some things that needed to happen to keep the plot moving, you should consider this.

Associate links to follow…

Available Audiobooks: I have free codes for almost everything.

New Release: The Shadow Council Series 1: Money Makes it Deadlier – An FBI agent gets caught up in a robbery gone wrong.

Shadow Council Book 2: Revenge Makes it Sweeter – A midnight summons calls FBI Special Agent Megan Luchek into a fight for a young girl’s life.

Shadow Council Book 3: Christmas Makes it Chaos – The FBI agent gets a strange ally in the quest to prevent chaos from rocking a lot of people’s holiday season.

Shadow Council Book 4: Treachery Makes it Tense – The agent and the assassin have to team up if they want to survive.

Shadow Council is also available as a ~13 hr bundle.

The Collins Case – 2 FBI agents track down a kidnapped family. Kid friendly.

If fantasy’s more your thing, go Redeemer Chronicles. The first, Awakening, is available as an audiobook.

Ashlynn’s Dreams Shorts – a kid deals with her parents’ divorce, bullies, and the wonder of discovery.

Try The Dark Side of Science – Genetically altered kids fight for the right to live.

Beyond Broken Pencils – Contemporary literary tale of a school shooting. Ian unleashes his inner demons on his classmates and teachers…

Scratched Off – FBI agent vs a serial killer. When Sam Kerman sets out to hunt a serial killer, he has no idea how personal the case will become.

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