Awesome Audiobooks – 5/5 Stars Griddlebone by Debbie Manber Kupfer

Awesome Audiobooks – 5/5 Stars Griddlebone by Debbie Manber Kupfer

Run time: 26 minutes Narrated by: Christopher Goodrich Summary: Shapeshifting cats take on the Nazis. Additional Comments: Imaginative and fun. What if the Nazi scientists succeeded in creating a shapeshifting werecat-soldier? That’s pretty much the crux of this story. Christopher Goodrich did an excellent job bringing the story to life. It’s a short story but…

3.5/5 The Handfasters: Lowland Romance by Helen Susan Swift

Narrated by Seylan Baxter Run Time: 6 hrs and 18 min Summary: As an old lady, Alison tells her love story to her grandchildren. Additional Comments: Predictable but decent. I enjoyed the end twist. The story moved pretty slowly. Not one bit of action happened until about the last hour of the audiobook. Since it’s…