Series: The Saberton Legacy 2
Run Time: 9 hrs and 28 mins
Genre: Christian historical fiction
Narrated by Austenne Grey
The back cover copy pretty much outlines the entire story. Abigail McFadden travels down South then gets stuck there in the middle of the Civil War. The womenfolk of Macon sort of take her in.
Colonel Ian Saberton has orders to prep the cities and towns for Sherman’s march through Georgia.
Additional Comments:
- Disclaimer: I really like Civil War tales, so that is in this book’s favor.
- As with book 1, Austenne Grey did a lovely job with the narration. She has credible male, female, British, Southern, and normal American accents. Some scenes weren’t easy because they had several Southern ladies and gents present, but the narrator handled these well.
- Stayed up late to finish. That’s always a great sign for a book’s quality.
- The title doesn’t quite fit. Oh it nails the genre swell, but as far as I can tell, has zip to do with the book itself. That’s a fairly minor complaint.
- I don’t think it’s meant to be a funny book, but there are plenty of hilarious situations. One of my favorite little parts is when Cora, pretty much the queen in that town, tells this poor soldier kid he’ll let them by or she’ll have a word with his momma.
- Bad guy’s a little over the top evil, but it fits the book well.
- Even though parts of the book are small town drama, I never felt like nothing was happening, which is a rarity.
- 4/5 Characters: Abby and Ian are both paragons of good, but it works. Cora and the townswomen are deliciously meddlesome. Abby’s flaws of not being able to cook or sew make sense given her background.
- End twist was a nice touch.
A near picture-perfect Christian historical fiction novel.
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