Audiobook Reviews 3/5 Stars: Convicted by Raven H. Price

Audiobook Reviews 3/5 Stars: Convicted by Raven H. Price

  3/5 Odd Mix of Christian Fantasy and Rated R Mystery/Suspense *mild spoilers possible in discussion, though I will keep things as vague as possible. Introduction: Summary: Hope Anderson has the ultimate God encounter and picks up some awesome spiritual gifts to boot. Additional Comments: The Neutral: – The training scenes dragged on too long….

Audiobook Reviews 3.45/5 Stars: The Sea-Stone Sword by Joel Cornah Narrated by Genevieve Sibayan

Audiobook Reviews 3.45/5 Stars: The Sea-Stone Sword by Joel Cornah Narrated by Genevieve Sibayan

  Introduction: It’s been awhile since I posted any audiobook reviews. Still got a mixed bag of them to review. Let’s start back up with a darker sort of epic fantasy. It had fantastic narration provided by Genevieve Sibayan, but I’m a little ambivalent on the plot and characters. *spoilers possible in discussion part* Summary:…

Audiobook Review: 4/5 The Golden Hour by MK Graff Narrated by Nano Nagle

Audiobook Review: 4/5 The Golden Hour by MK Graff Narrated by Nano Nagle

  What’s new? After a pretty long hiatus, I am back with reviewing audiobooks. Let’s start with a cozy British mystery. Summary: Nora Tierney gets caught up in a complicated case of international terrorism. Additional Comments: – Loved the narrator’s voice. (Nano Nagle’s performance is strong.) British accent is usually charming. – Nora and Declan’s…

Audiobook Reviews: Introducing Gertrude, Gumshoe by Robin Merrill

Audiobook Reviews: Introducing Gertrude, Gumshoe by Robin Merrill

Introduction: Something flavorful for cozy mystery fans. Summary: Meet Gertrude. She’s an eccentric, cat-loving, cranky, coot with mild kelpto tendencies who toddles around with a walker and finds plenty of trouble. Additional Comments: – We don’t really know much about Gertrude or how she got to be where she is in a tiny trailer park….